Help Me, Little D!

Help Me, Little D!
Help Me, Little D!

Life is pretty routine, even boring, in Portland, Maine. David works at a local supermarket, mopping floors and stocking shelves alongside his friend Dennis. Dennis is tall and muscular while David is short and thin. Hence, their nicknames are “Little D” and “Big D.” However, things start to change after David encounters a strange object while hiking. Now, life is getting a little more interesting since Little D's wife Matilda is starting to grow. Problem is, no one knows why she is growing or how big she will get!

Tags: giantess, height increase, growth, breast expansion, gentle, clothes ripping, nudity, mini-giantess, sex

Released December 28, 2024
15 pages + cover
Story by SolomonG
Artwork by Picojin

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