Stuck In Ariel's Boots

Ariel was sitting on a park bench smoking her cigarette when a poor shrunken man tried to get her attention. As he starts to climb onto Ariel's thighs, Ariel chooses that moment to take off one of her boots because her foot hurt.

Unfortunately, as she's taking it off, the tiny man falls off Ariel's thigh and his misfortune gets even worse by falling into Ariel's boot that she had just taken off. As Ariel massages her foot to try and get rid of the pain, the tiny man is stuck at the bottom of Ariel's boot and can't get back up. The tiny man starts to wonder how long it's been since Ariel washed her boots because the smell is so horrible that it was beginning to cause him to cry.

Once Ariel finishes smoking, she decides to leave, and even though the tiny man screams his head off, Ariel can't hear him. The tiny man sees the foot, that's molded in the sock, come straight down on him as he runs towards the bottom of the boot to survive, even though the stench is stronger there. The tiny man then finds himself trapped under Ariel's foot in her boot. He can't stand the smell because the sock is soaking in sweat and stinks so bad, but his nose is stuck in it against his will.

Ariel starts to walk down the street. It's hot today, and the heat is rising inside the boot. With each step Ariel takes, the tiny man wonders what will kill him. He could finally be completely crushed, drowned by the huge drops of sweat from Ariel's foot, or suffocate by the stench. Ariel on the other hand suspects nothing and lives her life normally while the tiny man is set up to have a horrible afternoon.

Five hours later, Ariel has just got home and is finally taking off her stinky boots. The tiny man has no strength left and is barely breathing. He just wants to get it over with. Unknowingly, Ariel grants him his wish because the tiny man is stuck under Ariel's sock from sweating. However, after Ariel takes off the stinking sock, she decides to wash it. The tiny man finds himself in the washing machine with a multitude of Ariel's stinky clothes.

As Ariel turns on the machine, the little man doesn't even resist. He lets himself be drowned in the machine's water, and Ariel leaves to take her shower, never knowing that she has just subjected a tiny man to horrible torture all afternoon.

Story by Daikizo
Artwork by Jieun

High resolution (2550x3300)

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