Exponential Growth – The 7 Percent Problem

Mica has a problem – a 7 Percent Problem, to be precise. Thanks to an unusual science experiment, she’s getting 7 percent larger every hour… and it’s not stopping!

Synopsis: Mica Locke takes part in an experiment to “cure” shortness because she’s tired of standing only 4-foot-9. The new serum is supposed to cause the subject’s size to increase by up to 7 percent an hour for three hours – enough that she could grow 13 inches. However, unlike every other subject, Mica just keeps right on growing. As Mica’s growth stretches into days, just how gigantic will the “shortness cure” make her?

Tags: giantess, height increase, slow growth, mini-giantess, clothes ripping, outgrowing clothes, shoes ripping, destruction, accidental destruction, insertion, pleasure, sex, nerdy girl, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Su (Studio Arieta)

Release Date: November 28th, 2023

Issue Link: The 7-Percent Problem

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Big Hero Sucks? – A New Level of Power 2

Tower-Girl still can’t get her size-shifting ability under control – which is unfortunate, since she’s reached A New Level of Power and has the potential to cause massive destruction! She’s got to find Keith and get some help… or else she might crush the city flat!

Synopsis: Now that Tower-Girl’s abilities have been greatly increased beyond her control, her height has begun to rapidly and randomly change in size. Can she regain control of her newly augmented abilities… or will she become the biggest threat that the world has ever seen?

Tags: giantess, height increase, growth, mega-giantess, handheld, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, gentle, peril, revenge, superheroes, destruction, accidental destruction, science

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Octo

Issue #2 Release Date: October 8th, 2023

Series Link: A New Level of Power

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


  • What did you think about A New Level of Power 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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You Keep Using Those Words… – Upsy Daisy

It’s well known that careless talk costs lives, but the full scale of the problem is not always appreciated. For instance, if you’re a woman who’s able to grow to a massive size just by saying Upsy Daisy, you should be careful with your words, or you might find yourself causing tons of damage to the planet you’re supposed to protect!

Synopsis: Daisy Klingen is given a preposterous-sounding message: she is to grow in height until she is larger than the Earth in order to defend it and she is to do this by simply saying “Upsy Daisy.” Each time she does, she will grow to 10 times her height at that moment. Daisy scoffs as she says the words – and grows 50 feet tall! Will Daisy fulfill her destiny… and just how big will she actually get?

Tags: giantess, mega-giantess, giga-giantess, growth, height increase, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, destruction, accidental destruction, feet, gentle, goddess, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Mac Rome

Lineart By: Salo

Colors By: Ylenia di Napoli

Release Date: September 8th, 2023

Issue Link: Upsy Daisy

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


  • What did you think about Upsy Daisy? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Co-op Campaign – Giantess RPG 8

Blake’s adventures in sequel land continue in issue 8 of Giantess RPG! Now paired up with previous villain Hellot, can these two learn to play cooperatively – or will things turn PvP?

Synopsis: Now back in the game of Knights and Thieves 2, Blake finds herself paired up with the humongous harlot known as Hellot. Can they work together… or will it be game over before they even get started?

Tags: giantess, mini-giantess, growth, height increase, shrinking, shrunken gts, multiple gts, fighting, gentle, female muscle, muscle growth, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Bokuman

Issue #8 Release Date: July 28th, 2023

Series Link: Giantess RPG

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


Giant Women in Your Area – The Shrink Kink App

Unlucky in love, Evan has finally found a way to meet women – The Shrink Kink App, a sexy new dating service that can reduce him to the size of a giantess’ plaything! If he thought women were hard to approach before, things certainly won’t be easier when he’s small enough to fit in their hands!

Synopsis: Evan has always been the type of guy that was shy, quiet, and found it hard to talk to women. That’s part of the reason why he always gravitated towards the giantess fantasy where the woman is in complete control and desires him just for his tiny size. Thankfully, there’s a new app out there that can make his wish come true… but will he find a match that fits his desires?

Tags: shrinking, shrunken man, feet, breasts, pussy, gentle, peril, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Newschool2626

Artwork By: Purple (Studio Arieta)

Release Date: July 8th, 2023

Issue Link: The Shrink Kink App

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


She’s a Big Hero – A New Level of Power

A size-shifting superhero seeking A New Level of Power gets exactly what she asked for… and all the complications that come with it! Now there’s no crime too big or case too small for her to handle – but there may be some hazardous side effects…

Synopsis: Jean Atkinson, aka Tower-Girl, is a superheroine with limited size-changing abilities. When a scientist (and fan) gives her the opportunity to increase the range of her abilities, she is more than happy to agree to his experimental procedure. However, the results are a lot more unpredictable than she had expected…

Tags: giantess, growth, height increase, mini-giantess, handheld, gentle, peril, shrinking, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, superheroes, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Octo

Release Date: June 19th, 2023

Issue Link: A New Level of Power

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


  • What did you think about A New Level of Power? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Udderly Delicious – The Great Ice Cream War 2

I scream, you scream, we all scream for huge and milky breasts! Jill has escalated The Great Ice Cream War with her chief competitor Gertrude by turning herself into a lactating giantess as a ready source of fresh dairy – how will her ruthless rival respond?

Synopsis: Jill’s gigantic, lactating breasts have solved her dairy supply problem, but unscrupulous Gertrude won’t take this setback lying down…

Tags: giantess, lactation, big boobs, butt, gentle, nudity, insertion, pleasure, sex, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: SolomonG

Artwork By: Mei (Studio Arieta)

Issue #2 Release Date: June 8th, 2023

Series Link: The Great Ice Cream War

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


  • What did you think about The Great Ice Cream War 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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No Job Too Big – Oversized Cleanup Crew

When kaiju attack, giantess hero Abigail steps in to shut them down! But these fights tend to make a big mess – better call the girls of the Oversized Cleanup Crew, who have the often thankless job of picking up the pieces!

Synopsis: In a city where “giant monster vs. giantess” battles are common, there has to be someone who cleans up the destruction left afterwards. This comes in the form of Mary and her group of giantesses who work diligently to make sure that things are up and running once more, even when their actions aren’t entirely appreciated…

Tags: giantess, multiple gts, mega-giantess, destruction, female muscle, gentle, kaiju

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Release Date: May 8th, 2023

Issue Link: Oversized Cleanup Crew

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


  • What did you think about Oversized Cleanup Crew? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Penultimate Fantasy – Giantess RPG 7: A New Game

Beating the Giantess RPG brought Blake back to the real world – but left her a towering mini-giantess! So, when she learns the game is getting an expansion pack, she dives back in, hoping to find a solution to her size problem. How will she fare facing the new challenges… and a new companion?

Synopsis: After a year away from the game, Blake finds herself drawn back into the world of “Knights and Thieves 2” with the hope of returning to her normal size thanks to a new add-on!

Tags: giantess, mini-giantess, multiple gts, growth, gentle, shrinking, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Bokuman

Issue #7 Release Date: March 8th, 2023

Series Link: Giantess RPG

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


Mapped to Scale – The Valley

A giant woman stumbles across a comparatively tiny man in The Valley they’re both trapped in. Rather than being a threat, she needs his help – but what could he possibly do for her?

Synopsis: A man finds himself in a mysterious valley with no memories of his previous life or how he got there. However, he is soon discovered by a giantess who requires his help to escape. Can he be of assistance, or will they both be forever trapped within the valley?

Tags: giantess, growth, height increase, mega-giantess, handheld, gentle, peril, shrinking, shrunken man, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, micro, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Release Date: February 28th, 2023

Issue Link: The Valley

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!