Getting Their Just Desserts – Bigger Beauty Queen 6

The gigantic stars of Bigger Beauty Queen are facing their final contest! Lora is bigger than Maggie, and still growing – is there any way the now-smaller giantess can emerge victorious, or has she had her last meal?

Synopsis: In the titanic finale of BBQ, we’ll finally have a crowned queen! Lora has outgrown Maggie by leaps and bounds, but she’s not the only one going up. Will Maggie be able to turn the tide, or will the mega-sized Lora just be too much for her to handle? Find out who wins the battle of Bigger Beauty Queen!

Tags: giantess, multiple gts, giantess fight, mega-giantess, giga-giantess, growth, height increase, eat and grow, nudity, destruction, accidental destruction, revenge, soft vore

Pages:15 + Cover

Written By: Redacegod

Artwork By: Octo

Issue #6 Release Date: July 8th, 2024

Series Link: BBQ – Bigger Beauty Queen

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Choose the Form of the Destructor – Not as Planned

Doctor Apocalypse is determined to live up to his name – so he’s created a living weapon to cause destruction on a massive scale! However, he quickly finds that things are Not as Planned when his giantess decides she’d rather hand out hugs than dish out damage…

Synopsis: A mad scientist named Doctor Apocalypse creates a giantess to destroy the world that he hates. However, he doesn’t take into account that his creation not only has free will, but also a gentle demeanor!

Tags: giantess, height increase, mega-giantess, growth, breast expansion, gentle, artificial girl, destruction, accidental destruction, comedy, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Release Date: June 8th, 2024

Issue Link: Not as Planned

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Terror From the Deep! – Giantess RPG 10

The next step on Blake’s Giantess RPG quest takes her and companion Hellot to a misty lake wherein lies an elemental orb. Getting to it seems simple at first, but this lake is home to something huge and dangerous that can pose a threat even to these two giantesses!

Synopsis: Blake and Hellot move onto obtaining the water orb that they need in order to defeat Elementia. However, they soon find themselves facing a gigantic opponent who might just be too much for the duo, especially since this new foe seems to have an unfair advantage over them!

Tags: giantess, height increase, growth, breast expansion, mega-giantess, multiple gts, fighting, giantess fight, female muscle, gentle, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Bokuman

Issue #10 Release Date: May 19th, 2024

Series Link: Giantess RPG

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Compounding Trouble – The 7-Percent Problem 2

Mica just keeps growing – and so do her problems! What started as a mere 7 percent of five feet has become 7 percent of a girl as big as a house… and she’s only going to keep getting bigger!

Synopsis: An experiment to help short people grow has gone awry, causing Mica Locke (formerly under five feet tall) to grow to more than 20 feet in height in less than 24 hours! She’s adding about 7 percent to her height each hour – but as she gets taller, 7 percent of her height adds more and more. With nothing else to do, Mica starts playing with her boyfriend, James. Unfortunately, from her perspective, he’s shrinking fast…

Tags: giantess, height increase, slow growth, mega-giantess, hair growth, hair color change, transformation, destruction, insertion, pleasure, sex, breasts, boob play, feet, foot play, nerdy girl, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Su (Studio Arieta)

Issue Release Date: April 28th, 2024

Series Link: The 7-Percent Problem

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She’s Out of This World – A New Level of Power 3

Tower-Girl’s power boost seemed like a good idea at first – but she’s having more and more trouble controlling her growth ability, to the point where she’s now a public menace! Can she ever get herself stabilized? And if not, is there any limit to how big she’ll get? Find out in the conclusion of A New Level of Power!

Synopsis: Now that Tower-Girl finds herself growing out of control and public enemy number one, can she find a way to shrink herself back down… or will she just continue to forever grow bigger and bigger?

Tags: giantess, height increase, growth, mega-giantess, giga-giantess, planetary-size, galactic-size, intergalactic-size, handheld, gentle, peril, revenge, superheroes, destruction, accidental destruction, science

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Octo

Issue #3 Release Date: February 28th, 2024

Series Link: A New Level of Power

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Massive Open-World Gamer – Giantess RPG 9

Blake has lost Hellot, and she’s getting bigger than ever. What wild experiences can she expect next in the world of Giantess RPG?

Synopsis: With the seeming death of her new companion Hellot, Blake is now on her own. Worse still, she finds herself growing in what is quickly becoming a confined space. Will she get through the experience or will it be the end of the road for her?

Tags: giantess, mega-giantess, growth, height increase, multiple gts, destruction, accidental destruction, gentle, female muscle, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Bokuman

Issue #9 Release Date: December 19th, 2024

Series Link: Giantess RPG

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Big Hero Sucks? – A New Level of Power 2

Tower-Girl still can’t get her size-shifting ability under control – which is unfortunate, since she’s reached A New Level of Power and has the potential to cause massive destruction! She’s got to find Keith and get some help… or else she might crush the city flat!

Synopsis: Now that Tower-Girl’s abilities have been greatly increased beyond her control, her height has begun to rapidly and randomly change in size. Can she regain control of her newly augmented abilities… or will she become the biggest threat that the world has ever seen?

Tags: giantess, height increase, growth, mega-giantess, handheld, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, gentle, peril, revenge, superheroes, destruction, accidental destruction, science

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Octo

Issue #2 Release Date: October 8th, 2023

Series Link: A New Level of Power

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Cut Down to Size – Girls on the Grow 5

Greta and Tanya are bigger than ever – and the trail of destruction they’ve left behind them is equally huge! But the goddess who started this mess has to bring things to a close for these Girls on the Grow – and what will become of them now?

Synopsis: After all the size shenanigans that Tanya and Greta have gone through, it all is about to come to an end. Will Xanas be satisfied with what has taken place… or will she be left wanting more?

Tags: giantess, multiple gts, mega-giantess, female muscle, destruction, goddess, revenge, handheld, shrinking, micro, shrunken woman, shrunken man, shrunken gts, magic

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Issue #5 Release Date: September 28th, 2023

Series Link: Girls on the Grow

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You Keep Using Those Words… – Upsy Daisy

It’s well known that careless talk costs lives, but the full scale of the problem is not always appreciated. For instance, if you’re a woman who’s able to grow to a massive size just by saying Upsy Daisy, you should be careful with your words, or you might find yourself causing tons of damage to the planet you’re supposed to protect!

Synopsis: Daisy Klingen is given a preposterous-sounding message: she is to grow in height until she is larger than the Earth in order to defend it and she is to do this by simply saying “Upsy Daisy.” Each time she does, she will grow to 10 times her height at that moment. Daisy scoffs as she says the words – and grows 50 feet tall! Will Daisy fulfill her destiny… and just how big will she actually get?

Tags: giantess, mega-giantess, giga-giantess, growth, height increase, clothes ripping, shoes ripping, destruction, accidental destruction, feet, gentle, goddess, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Mac Rome

Lineart By: Salo

Colors By: Ylenia di Napoli

Release Date: September 8th, 2023

Issue Link: Upsy Daisy

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More Than She Bargained For – The Demonic Deal 3

Kairi’s Demonic Deal has backfired spectacularly, and she’s gotten so big that she’s a hazard to the city’s infrastructure! Her only option is to get out of town – but how much damage will she do along the way?

Synopsis: Now that Kairi has turned into a full-blown giantess, she has to try and hide herself until she can figure out what to do next. However, it’s more than a little difficult to quietly sneak away when the world around you is so small and fragile!

Tags: giantess, growth, height increase, mega-giantess, multiple gts, handheld, nudity, destruction, accidental destruction, stomp, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: YouLZ (Studio Arieta)

Issue Release Date: August 28th, 2023

Series Link: The Demonic Deal

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