Up Close and Personal – A Weekend Alone: Impact Zone 2

Would-be con attendees Natalie and Megan are trying to reach their big event, but they still don’t know about the other big event – the one that shrunk an entire neighborhood caught up in the Impact Zone! Some of the unlucky tinies are scaling the girls’ massive bodies, hoping for help or rescue…

Synopsis: As Megan and Natalie make their way across town, they make a quick stop to visit Natalie’s beauty consultant, Madelyn Walker, to pick up a supply of cosmetics. Unbeknownst to them, the neighborhood has shrunk, and a few denizens land on their bodies. Now, the tiny victims must try to survive atop the sprawling landscape that is the bodies of the towering ladies. Will they grab their attention? And will Megan and Natalie be able to reach their convention?

Tags: unaware, shrunken man, shrunken woman, butt, hair, feet, toes, POV, mouth, nose, nasal vore, stomach, eye, body exploration

Pages: 32 + Cover

Written By: KevinFred

Lineart By: Jieun

Colorist By: Ylenia Di Napoli

Issue #2 Release Date: July 19th, 2024

Series Link: A Weekend Alone: Impact Zone

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Biohazard Disposal – The Slimming Clinic 4

Now that Dr. Riley has learned what happened to the mysteriously missing patients at The Slimming Clinic, she’s unwilling to face the consequences – so the only thing left to do is destroy the evidence! Luckily for her, bug-sized people aren’t that hard to get rid of…

Synopsis: While Leonard must find a way to get Carmen’s attention before she crushes him, Marlene has to deal with the poor sight of Summer. Will she be noticed… or she will be mistaken for a bug?

Tags: shrunken man, shrunken woman, unaware, feet, shoes, MILF, hair, pussy, cruel, evil, peril, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: Oscar Celestini

Issue #4 Release Date: May 28th, 2024

Series Link: The Slimming Clinic

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Fan Service? – A Weekend Alone 24

As Clarissa and the others try to join Ariel’s table for lunch, they’re interrupted by the server, who’s a big fan of Natalie’s streaming content… although the tiny people trying to climb the server’s legs aren’t fans of all her movement!

Synopsis: Clarissa, Megan, and Natalie quickly devise a plan to get near Valerie and the rest of the women on their lunch outing. However, things become a little more complicated when Natalie is recognized by one of her fans!

Tags: unaware, shrunken man, shrunken woman, body exploration, upskirt, butt, stomach, boots, POV, science

Pages: 20 + Cover

Written By: KevinFred

Artwork By: Jieun

Issue #24 Release Date: March 19th, 2024

Series Link: A Weekend Alone

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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School’s Out Forever! – Teacher’s Pet 5

Joey has had about enough of playing along with the amorous giantess Miss Harper – and he’s part of a desperate plan to cut her down to size! But will the scheme play out as planned, or will he be spending the rest of his life as the super-sized Teacher’s Pet?

Synopsis: It’s finally time for the big date night between Joey and Miss Harper, but how will it go? Joey better not mess up, as it’s their last chance to take out the titanic teacher…

Tags: giantess, boobs, handheld, college, teacher, pleasure, shrinking, shrunken man, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, peril, rampage, destruction, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Batdas12

Lineart By: Vincenzo Pietropaolo

Colors By: Slasher

Issue Release Date: February 19th, 2024

Series Link: Teacher’s Pet

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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Small Portions – The Slimming Clinic 3

The remaining survivors of the experimental procedure at The Slimming Clinic are desperately seeking help while trying to avoid being eaten or crushed by the unaware giantesses that surround them… but will being noticed actually improve their situation?

Synopsis: Leonard, after being accidentally devoured by Summer, must find a way to get out of her stomach. Meanwhile, Marlene has finally been discovered by Dr. Riley… but does that mean she’s saved?

Tags: shrunken man, shrunken woman, unaware, feet, shoes, MILF, hair, stomach, evil, peril, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Raoh1990

Artwork By: Oscar Celestini

Issue #3 Release Date: Janaury 19th, 2024

Series Link: The Slimming Clinic

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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Lunch Date With a Giantess – A Weekend Alone 23

A Weekend Alone gets another big issue today! The unaware girls are still causing havoc for the microscopic people around them – and Sarah is desperately working to stay on top of the situation before even more tinies meet a crushing end!

Synopsis: While they’re waiting for their food, Ariel goes for a quick smoke break. Meanwhile, Sarah plans to have Clarissa join Natalie, Veronica, and Megan Brown on their own lunch outing to keep tabs on Valerie and Mary-Jean.

Tags: unaware, shrunken man, shrunken woman, feet, boobs, POV, body exploration, upskirt, cigarettes, boots, science

Pages: 20 + Cover

Written By: KevinFred

Artwork By: Jieun

Issue #23 Release Date: October 19th, 2023

Series Link: A Weekend Alone

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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Big Hero Sucks? – A New Level of Power 2

Tower-Girl still can’t get her size-shifting ability under control – which is unfortunate, since she’s reached A New Level of Power and has the potential to cause massive destruction! She’s got to find Keith and get some help… or else she might crush the city flat!

Synopsis: Now that Tower-Girl’s abilities have been greatly increased beyond her control, her height has begun to rapidly and randomly change in size. Can she regain control of her newly augmented abilities… or will she become the biggest threat that the world has ever seen?

Tags: giantess, height increase, growth, mega-giantess, handheld, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, gentle, peril, revenge, superheroes, destruction, accidental destruction, science

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Octo

Issue #2 Release Date: October 8th, 2023

Series Link: A New Level of Power

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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Cut Down to Size – Girls on the Grow 5

Greta and Tanya are bigger than ever – and the trail of destruction they’ve left behind them is equally huge! But the goddess who started this mess has to bring things to a close for these Girls on the Grow – and what will become of them now?

Synopsis: After all the size shenanigans that Tanya and Greta have gone through, it all is about to come to an end. Will Xanas be satisfied with what has taken place… or will she be left wanting more?

Tags: giantess, multiple gts, mega-giantess, female muscle, destruction, goddess, revenge, handheld, shrinking, micro, shrunken woman, shrunken man, shrunken gts, magic

Pages: 15 + Cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Issue #5 Release Date: September 28th, 2023

Series Link: Girls on the Grow

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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Science at Scale – The Giantess Dimension

When a science team discovers a dimensional gateway, they venture through it in the name of curiosity. Unfortunately, on the other side lies The Giantess Dimension – where people from our world are bug-sized specks!

Synopsis: A group of four ingenious scientists find a dimensional door that brings them into another universe. Unfortunately, in this new universe, they are the size of ants!

Tags: unaware, shrinking, shrunken woman, micro, MILF, mature, granny, feet, toes, unaware vore, mouth, tongue, peril, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: Raoh1990

Lineart By: Mad Max Duarte

Colors By: Omar Vinole

Release Date: August 8th, 2023

Issue Link: The Giantess Dimension

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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She’s a Big Hero – A New Level of Power

A size-shifting superhero seeking A New Level of Power gets exactly what she asked for… and all the complications that come with it! Now there’s no crime too big or case too small for her to handle – but there may be some hazardous side effects…

Synopsis: Jean Atkinson, aka Tower-Girl, is a superheroine with limited size-changing abilities. When a scientist (and fan) gives her the opportunity to increase the range of her abilities, she is more than happy to agree to his experimental procedure. However, the results are a lot more unpredictable than she had expected…

Tags: giantess, growth, height increase, mini-giantess, handheld, gentle, peril, shrinking, shrunken woman, shrunken gts, superheroes, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Written By: a0040pc

Artwork By: Octo

Release Date: June 19th, 2023

Issue Link: A New Level of Power

Download this comic and all of the others in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to giantessfan.com!


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  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics