Abusive Amazon – Kolossal Katie

A timid man’s girlfriend slowly grows taller and more demanding until she becomes a mini-giantess nightmare in the first issue of Kolossal Katie!


Synopsis: Katie was 6 feet tall at age 20, but has been growing a foot a year ever since. She was the same height as her boyfriend Ben when they started dating. However, as her size, needs, and limitations have changed, so has their relationship. And, unfortunately for Ben, it’s about to undergo an even bigger change…

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Release date: March 14th, 2019

Written by: Kolossal Katie

Artwork by: QWZ (Sedna Studio)

Tags: mini-giantess, dominance, growth, violence, destruction, clothes ripping

Issue Link: Kolossal Katie

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


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Robin in the Woods – Pool Party Growth 3

Pool Party Growth sends its voluptuous giantess on a journey out of the suburbs and into the countryside in the third issue of this hit series from Giantess Fan!


Synopsis: Robin has blown the roof off her friend Ashely’s house with her out-of-control growth. Now, with the help of Ashely and Ashely’s brother David, Robin seeks to get past police and partygoers to find shelter while she tries to deal with being 50 feet tall.

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Tags: giantess, growth, nudity, clothes ripping, lift and carry, destruction

Issue Release Date: February 14th, 2019

Written By:  Redacegod

Artwork By: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Series Link: Pool Party Growth

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to Giantess Fan!


  • What did you think about Pool Party Growth 3? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Foot Fetish Fatality – Pest Control

An eccentric exterminator fulfils her ultimate sexual fantasy and crushes an entire village of insect-sized humans beneath her bare feet in Pest Control, one of the darkest titles Giantess Fan has ever released!


Synopsis: Celine is a beautiful barefooter who works as an exterminator using unconventional methods, preferring her feet over poison due to her massive fetish for stomping on smaller creatures. One day she’s asked by a family who lives in the woods to deal with a colony of bugs nearby, but soon she finds out it’s not a colony of bugs at all: it’s a tiny city of tiny people. What will Celine do with them?

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Tags: giantess, feet, destruction, micro, insertion, pussy, stomp, masturbation

Issue release date: January 18, 2019

Written by:  italianblackcat

Artwork by: Octo

Issue Link: Pest Control

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to Giantess Fan!


  • What did you think about Pest Control? Let us know your feedback to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Kinky Katie – Sorority Problems 2

The incredibly popular Sorority Problems series continues with a brand new chapter introducing more characters and showcasing foot growth, height increase, breast expansion, and a horny giantess having an orgy with three normal-sized men (including her boyfriend and his impossibly massive penis)!


Synopsis: After the Blu Beta Girl house is destroyed by the four giantesses, they realize that their other sister, Katie, is downing her own bottle of Biggie Whiskey. Katie, wanting to spend a time with her on-again-off-again boyfriend, Carlos, gets more than just a one night stand.

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Release Date: December 7th, 2018

Written By: F-Kid

Artwork By: Danusko

Tags: Growth, Clothes Ripping, Breast Expansion, Pleasure, Height Increase, Multiple Growths, Mini-Giantess, Giantess, Group Sex, Foot Expansion, Penis Expansion

Series Link: Sorority Problems 

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about Sorority Problems 2: One Night Stands? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Full Moon Rising – Evita’s Big Night

There is a woman who magically grows into a kinky, towering, and impossibly busty giantess whenever she experiences sexual arousal or pleasure during nights with full moons. That woman is the titular star of Giantess Fan‘s latest debut, Evita’s Big Night, and she is about to find herself the one man who will take her to heights and (bra sizes) beyond her wildest dreams!


Synopsis: Evita grows to giant size when exposed to sexual stimulation on the night of the full moon… and has an uncontrollable craving for that stimulation. Evita has a deal with the men of her town to help with her condition. Tonight, she will meet a new man who will take her growth to the next level.

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Tags: slow growth, sex=growth, outgrowing clothes, clothes ripping, breast climbing, insertion, multiple men with giantess, breast expansion, blowjob, mouth play, destruction

Issue release date: November 28th, 2018

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Wang (Sedna Studio)

Issue Link: Evita’s Big Night

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about Evita’s Big Night? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Campfire Story Colossus – The Curse of Saletine

With Halloween just around the corner, the timing has never been better for Giantess Fan to release The Curse of Saletine: a spooky campfire story about a greedy princess whose growing hunger (and body) threatened an entire kingdom!


Synopsis: Where the Kingdom of Saletine once stood there is now a dead land. While journeying through The Barren Lands, Keleren tells his companion Boharve the story of the fallen kingdom, a tale of Princess Elspeth and how her greed caused the kingdom’s downfall.

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Release date: October 28th, 2018

Written By: Batdas12

Lineart By: Davide Tinto

Colors By:  Ruben Curto

Tags: Giantess, Growth, Eat And Grow, Fantasy, Medieval, Destruction

Issue Link: The Curse of Saletine

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about The Curse of Saletine? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Height of the Party – Pool Party Growth 2

The sexy mini-giantess protagonist of Pool Party Growth is back (and still growing) in the continuing saga of a party that doesn’t just raise the roof… it utterly destroys it!


Synopsis: A young woman named Robin wants to even out her beautiful (but short) body into a tall and busty model-like figure. However, after ordering off a strange pop-up, she will get far more than what she bargained for. Will she gain the inches to gain her ideal figure, or will her pool party be one that no one will forget?

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Release date: October 14th, 2018

Written by:  Redacegod

Artwork by: LRC (Sedna Studio)

Tags: giantess, growth, slow growth, nudity, clothes ripping, breast expansion, ass expansion, destruction

Series Link: Pool Party Growth

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about Pool Party Growth 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Merging Destinies – Portals 4

The three separate stories that make up the Portals series now begin their collision course with a fourth issue featuring anal insertion, size-play vore, a rampaging giantess, and so much more!


Synopsis: The portals may have been closed, but their problems aren’t over. Mikey has to find a way to return Amber to her normal size while Alice and Debbie struggle with their new, tiny secret.

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Release date: July 14th, 2018

Written By: Newschool2626

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: Growth, Feet, Butt, Science-fiction, Global Effect, Prison

Series Link: Portals

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about Portals 4: Problem Solving? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

College Changes – Sorority Problems

Giantess Fan and Expansion Fan are proud to jointly release the debut issue of Sorority Problems, a new series full of uneven expansions, lesbian giantesses, and erotic pleasures!


Synopsis: One night of pledging turns out to be a huge problem for three initiates and their leader.

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Release Date: June 21st, 2018

Written By: F-Kid

Artwork By: Danusko

Tags: Giantess, Destruction, Breast Expansion, Height Increase, Clothes Ripping, Pleasure, Lesbian, Sex

Issue Link: Sorority Problems

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about Sorority Problems? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics

Colossal Convict – Portals 3

After two issues detailing the experiences of random innocents who have been made shrunken and powerless, the third issue of Portals instead opts to show what happens when the wrong kind of person walks out of a portal as a powerful and hungry giantess!


Synopsis: Prison life has transformed Amber into a heartless, vicious person. Now that she’s escaped through a portal and become so big that no one can stop her, she takes her frustrations and vengeance on anyone she can get her hands on.

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Release date: April 14th, 2018

Written By: Newschool2626

Artwork By: WantedWaifus

Tags: Growth, Feet, Butt, Science-fiction, Global Effect, Prison

Series Link: Portals

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to GiantessFan.com


  • What did you think about Portals 3: Big Consequences? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
  • Follow us on twitter at twitter.com/interwebcomics