A noble knight setting out on a perilous rescue mission is about to discover that A Little Help Goes a Long Way – and the help he’ll be getting from the gorgeous giantess who’s tagging along with him is anything but little!

Synopsis: As Maximilian Swiftsword begins his quest to save a princess from the ogres that’ve kidnapped her, he comes across a pacifist giantess who has grown attached to him. How does she know him… and will she help him succeed with his quest?

Tags: giantess, gentle, destruction, accidental destruction, growth, height increase, body exploration, breasts, cleavage, shoulder, shrunken woman, magic
Pages: 15 + 1 cover
Written By: a0040pc
Artwork By: Octo
Release Date: September 28th, 2022
Issue Link: A Little Help Goes a Long Way
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